Who fancies breakfast at Loch Lomond?

We all had the best bacon rolls ever, sitting on the shores of Loch Lomond. It was wonderful to be up and out so early making the most of the day. 

We took a drive up to Rowardennan, popped into the Youth Hostel for a nosey then went for a long wander on a history trail which gave us some gorgeous views of the loch. We're so lucky to live here.

Home to help youngest build a Roman house out of junk. Like last week's Roman sandal and biscuits, it seems to be 90% Mum and 10% youngest as far as the work's concerned.

Tonight I'm hoping hubby and I can decide on a campsite for our first camping trip of the year. We're thinking near Hadrian's Wall given youngest's topic. The boy's criteria is woods or a play park, my criteria is hot showers and nice scenery, hubby's criteria is a local pub. Actually, that might be my criteria too. Nothing like taking a wander to the local when it's a cold camping night :-)

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