Early Bumble Bee
I've decided to see if I can get a shot of all the bumble bee species that come into my garden this year. This was another case of a photo bombing bee, I missed the one I was aiming for so it was just at the border of the photo and this is the best crop I could give it.
It's an Early or Early-nesting Bumble Bee, B. pratorum and as it's name suggests it's one of the earliest to fly. They are common and widespread around the UK.
I had my first day out in the garden. I'm very late to start clearing this year but work got the better share of my time and I really wasn't feeling up to it with the flu. I'm not worried. A great deal of what I sow early gets frosted and the seeds sown later seem to catch up without any problems.
Now, all I need is a few days of good weather so I can catch up.
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