
By CharlotteJ

Blip Liquidation....a thought!

TUPE, I have mentioned this is the past…google it and ACAS will help….however what I read is this:

Reg 8 of TUPE (Protection of Employment Regulations) states:

If a company goes into liquidation or administration (we all know Blip is in liquidation), which results in a transfer to which TUPE applies (a ET ((Employment tribunal)) can only decide if it applies), employees who are dismissed can no longer claim against the transferor (Blip) or transferee (let’s assume Polaroid).  Instead, they must seek payments from the NI fund, when the transferor is in administration (blip), its liability to pay certain debt does not transfer to the transferee, although the transferee will still be liable for any excess that the employees are owed above the statutory limits….

it goes on….

Employees who are dismissed by the administrator for reason connected with the transfer can claim arrears of wages and hol pay up to the statutory limits from the NI fund.  If there is an ETO reason for dismissal, arrears of redundancy pay, wages, hols pay and notice pay may also be claimed from the fund etc etc (snippet taken from Selwyns Law of Employment)

So there you go, a bit of employment law for you…..does make you wonder (I am a slight sync BTW!)

Was the plan for Polaroid to take over all along with no liability….who knows, I would never suggest such a thing!!  Our lifetime membership is going to be another story!!

However, I still love to blip but I now also Snap a Blip ;)

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