Mono Monday - Galata Tower, Istanbul

The Galata Tower  is a medieval stone tower in the Galata/Karaköy quarter of Istanbul. The nine-story tower is 66.90 meters tall (62.59 m without the ornament on top and was the city's tallest structure when it was built. The elevation at ground level is 35 meters above sea-level. The tower has an external diameter of 16.45 meters at the base, an 8.95 meters diameter inside, and walls that are 3.75 meters thick. (Wikipedia)

One of the photos I took on Friday night as we walked to Nardis Jazz club,  and a fine example of a tower of strength, this famous Istanbul landmark seems appropriate for today's MonoMonday theme of 'strength' as set by Chantler63 - on a day remarkable for the fact that absolutely nothing remarkable occurred and with no photo taken but hours spent talking photography with colleagues and sorting and saving recent images, and that's my excuse anyway. 

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