recycling ....
You might remember I visited the hairdresser recently and obtained hair for the birds to line their nests, well the sparrows have been using it but today I saw this crow had arrived and the greedy thing took a huge bundle and then came back for more.
So I will need to go and beg for more tomorrow. But as I am taking both granddaughters for their haircuts maybe their hairdresser will oblige with a bag full.
We had the girls for a while today while their Dad took his Dad into hospital - he is having major heart surgery tomorrow so the plan is we will have the girls over the next few days while he visits his Dad etc. They are no bother and a pleasure to have and have even introduced me to minecraft !!??!!??
Lexi is having a phantom pregnancy and is using all her toys to practice caring for pups, it is very sweet but then she keeps whining, once she is past this we are going to have her neutered, we were going to have it done anyway but it seems to be that once neutered she won't have another phantom pregnancy, sometimes she seems so upset with the whining, I don't think it is fair on her to let this happen again..... Oh well I have bored you all enough now ... night ..
take care :)
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