... or maybe it is Blip Meet with a lot of fun at the end a wet day!

But, it did not dampen the spirits of yet another great meet in the Blue Mountains.

This week we had osuzanna from USA (Washington) and her sister from Shepparton in Victoria Australia.

Plus we finally coaxed AmandaNaylor to see what the "wet" mountains on a Blip meet also with isbi, trisharooniJolangHobbs's RunWalking Wombat & CCN, and Cymbeline was like.

What a super day, as you may have already read elsewhere starting for morning tea at Jolangs and finishing after a super organised day again by Hobbs and Wombat with dinner at Walking Wombats and CCn's place, of course again in expectation of the gang gangs coming in. One did in fact but very briefly.

Just arriving home after a very long day I see the "people power" has won out with our choices for Blip, and suppose this proves just how wonderful this site is when the superb human beings involved take precedence over the majestic sights of the Blue Mountains even on a wet day is a sight to behold.

Great to meet guys, and lets do it again some day!!! 

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE to meet isbi, amandanaylor, and osuzanna, taken at Pulpit Rock Lookout.

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