This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

It just doesn't pay

like it used to...

If I am honest, I am currently feeling very defeated. There are moments of greatness, inspiration, and I am in awe of the beauty of people, the world, and art.

I don't believe in dark cloud thinking much any more. I don't like to let people know when all is not right and I don't want to stew in negative thoughts much at all. I have spent time there in the past and I think it is a self fulfilling cycle.

On the other hand I have to express my feelings and be honest about this profession. I am finding it very hard to be an artist right now. I am waiting for the next event, sale, show and I put my hopes in one after the other and the sales are just not happening right now.

I had a very good year last year and I was lucky. I had a platform in which to sell and promote my work that is now gone. I am sure I will find a new platform or create one (we have a couple of shows coming up) and I know I need to create new work in order to move forward.

I am just getting very tired of cutting it so close...

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