Happy Non-Birthday

Tuesday 24th March 2015 (941)

Blip has probably told you it's my 1000th blip. That is not the case! I don't agree with them counting blips from before the date you joined, it has messed up all blip birthdays, so I've been keeping count in my titles and this is consecutive blip 941 from the day I joined. The sad thing is I won't get a red balloon when I really do reach 1000 and you may well miss it. 

The last six days have been crazy, so I apologise for lack of comments. My head is just coming back above the water level. I led a session in a conference this afternoon and decided to use play dough, which I made myself yesterday. It's only the second time I've made it but it seemed ok, just needed rather a lot. I decided to use some for this blip but I'm very tired and the dough was drying out so I wasn't very skilled at my modelling.   

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