1, 000!

A thousand blips - phew! What would life be without it???
A massively busy day, but wonderful...from Spanish, to language exchange, to meeting up with another Mom to talk schooling, to dinner with Danny, Asha and a new friend. Wonderful!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The language exchange...it gives me SUCH a buzz meeting new people, chatting in Spanish...
2) Meeting a new woman called Zu - some people you just click with - she's one of those! Sudanese, full of life, loud infectious laugh...fab.
3) Asha making friends with a little girl this evening - I chatted with the Mom, looking at different school options...Asha and the other little girl danced and drew the whole time - adorable.

Btw, no walls were harmed in the making of this blip - it's written on tape!

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