Ellisroger Photos

By Ellisroger


Yesterday, I tried for some art. Today's blip theme is literature.

But my real story is that I am, once again, a full time student, well at least for a week. Today was day one of a five day intensive Photoshop course, optimistically called "Zero to Hero." Although I used Photoshop Elelments a few years ago and have dabbled with CS4, I have never really understood it all. Since I bought my Mac, I have used Aperture but have reached the limit of what I can achieve with that. Hence this course. It was an absorbing day, very well taught. At times I struggled to follow some aspects but managed to get there in the end.

I took this blip on my walk back to the railway station and, since getting home, used it as my homework assignment - cropping and straightening (easy,) changing perspective (never done before but wanted to learn how,) amending brightness and contrast (simple) and using curves to amend the colours (totally new to me and takes a lot of practice.

But overall I am very pleased and looking forward to tomorrow.

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