Sound and Light Show

Dunedin and the weather was to match a coastal city.
Dull Flat and not actually raining thank goodness ‘Cos if it rains The Boss puts the cover on the camera pak and my world turns all yellow.

So The Boss (having the entire day to fritter away as Miss Daisy would not need transport until 5PM) decided that mono might be fun and went looking at one of the wonderful old Cathedrals in this Scottish City and this is inside The “First Otago Church”  which was in fact the first church in Otago and was completely over run with tourists of a tour boat.
Patience did pay off however as faced with people everywhere he got selective instead.
The outside is also completely awesome and you can view that on his Smugmug site Here

Home and Big T tomoro and I will be bark on my hook in his studio, looking out the window.


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