
By dailyphoto365

Sneaky Family Photo

See that ladies taking a sneaky family photo.

If you look closely the second dolly is pointing at me, as Iove the reflection on the wall caused by the first dolly.

First dolly in the picture came too me, when I was about 7. Her name is Jessica. Second dolly come to me first when I was about 6. She was special, as she came all the way from Australia and her name is Louisa.

You can't see bunny, but he's there. "Bunny" came to me from the ladies at Cornwall Hospital when I was a brand new baby.

Teddy on the end, arrived for my first Christmas, aged 4 months old.

Two bears have been added in my twenties.

So some are old and some are new, but my non living family where ever I may move too.

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