Woven together

Sylwais i'r bore 'ma sut mae'r goeden yn gafael y pridd at ei gilydd ac mae'r pridd yn gafael y goeden - mae pethau yn gweithio at ei gilydd yn y byd natur.

Roedd profiad hyfryd heddiw. Ro'n ni wedi colli fy ysgrepan ddoe a do'n i ddim yn gwybod ble.  Yn y pen draw galwais i'r heddlu i ofyn iddyn nhw os oes ysgrepan gyda nhw.  Ro'n i'n lwcus - roedd fy waled yn yr orsaf heddlu.  Cerddais i dros y parc i gasglu hi. Fasen yr heddlu ddim yn dweud wrtho i'r enw a chyfeiriad y person onest, ond dwedan nhw dw i'n gallu ysgrifennu cerdyn a bydden nhw anfon e.  Ysgrifennais i gerdyn i'r darganfyddwr  i ddweud 'diolch yn fawr'. Ro'n i'n ddiolchgar iawn iddyn nhw.

Mae'r Roches yn canu 'Everyone is good'.

I noticed this morning how the tree holds the soil together and the soil holds the tree - things work together in the natural world.

I had a lovely experience today. I had lost my wallet yesterday and I did not know where. In the end I called the police to ask them if they had a wallet. I was lucky - my wallet was at the police station. I walked over the park to collect it. The police would not tell me the name and address of the honest person, but they said I could write a card and they would send it. I wrote to the card to the  finder to say 'thank you'. I was very grateful to them.

The Roches sing 'Everyone is good'.

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