Worrals of the WAAF

This is still lying around after the Book Sale. Who can forget Biggles, impossible feats, all the chronology wrong, racist and sexist, and pretty much of his age and generation? Set to provide derring-do for schoolboys.

Surprisingly, then came Flight Officer Joan Worralson known to her personal friends as "Worrals" and her friend Betty Lovell, nicknamed "Frecks" due to her freckled complexion. Johns describes Worrals as follows - "Not even her friends could truthfully call Worrals pretty, although her features were regular enough". Worrals and Frecks are both in the Woman's Auxiliary Air Force. Worrals is 18 and a pilot, whereas Frecks is only 17 and hasn't yet qualified as a pilot because of this.

Ah those were the days - or were they?

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