I’m in the streets with the tombstone blues
Curly moss on a headstone that’s so old you can’t read it.
Which is the opposite to people … the older we are the more you can read in our faces (and the less curly our hair becomes).
Bob Dylan
It’s just occurred to me that I never explained my reappearance after my tantrum on 8th March about a breach of thrust.
I was collecting my toys and putting them back in my pram as the ‘Oh no blip’s gone into liquidation’ crisis hit. I came back to connect with the community before it all went down. But as it didn’t go down and I’ve just sort of carried on …
I’ve realised
1] there really isn’t anywhere quite like Blip for posting your pictures and
2] the community is greater that the site and I’d really miss you all.
So I’m back and I’ll be posting as always (i.e. relatively regularly) and commenting as always (i.e. fairly erratically).
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