Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

I'm not...

a particularly religious person but somehow I have ended up with 3 lots of Rosary beads. 

Top left were bought to replace my original ones which I gave to Sarah, which only a couple of years old, bottom, I bought these last year when we visited Mosta Dome in Malta, top right, these belonged to my granddad (my Mums dad).  He was born in 1882 so these are very old, a gift from A. Rose.

It seems fitting to blip these today, as we had a little ceremony on the beach at Guardamar, to celebrate the life of Dennis, and scatter his ashes. A good turn out of family, friends and neighbours.  He must have been looking down on us, as it was raining all morning, then a brief interlude of blue skies, whilst we were on the beach, then it rained again.

He might be gone but he is not forgotten.

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