Highland Life

By Baron

The Bealach Na Ba ( Pass of the Cattle )

Went to Wester Ross today as it was to be the last good day up here for a couple of weeks.
Weather on the east coast fairly drab and overcast, while on the west coast brilliant sunshine!.
So we headed to Applecross over The Bealach Na Ba ( The Pass of the Cattle ). This is looking back down from near the top. Quite a hairy road to say the least.
We drove down into Applecross and went to the Inn and had a drink, before going round the bay for lunch. While at the Inn, 5 Morgans drove up with 5 German couples driving them.I think they belonged to a German Morgan Owners Club. They looked to be doing a tour of GB.
Everybody had Langoustines for lunch and they looked so good that we bought fresh live ones on the way home. We had them for dinner tonight and they were tremendous.
So my blip today is the Pass of the Cattle.

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