Fat Lip

I was woken at 6.15am by MrRoly. I could feel things weren't quite right - and it's only Tuesday (as opposed to Trout Pout Thursday)!

Sloped off into town to meet ClareClare, MickeyJohn and Uncle MarkyMark for coffee - which turned into shopping and cake and more coffee...

I did make it home before noon though and spent the afternoon revising Professional Ethics for tomorrow's exam. Also got an email about a practise weekend for C2C THIS WEEKEND so collected children from various (well 2) schools and nipped back into town to get walking boots, trousers and socks that now fit ;-)

Picked up Princess, threw pasta at the children, dropped Red to Christine and got to Brownies only slightly late. Did our annual egg hunt in Kimberley Park - the Easter Bunnies had the measure of the Brownies this year and they managed to find all the eggs!

Home for a bit more revision, then Eastenders and bed with a thankfully normal sized but sore lip...

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