Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Hedge fund

My garden has been stressing me out lately. It has become a jungle and the hedges have been out of control.

When I came home today I noticed that the front hedge had been cut, and assumed one of my boys had been press ganged into it. But no. TSM had had the professionals in. Hedges front and back, garden cleared, overgrown budleia removed, all the rubbish taken away, all the weeds thinned out, everything tidied ...

I can't tell you what an amazing sight it was and how happy it made me.

Thank you babe. You spent a bit of your own rainy day cash on something that has given me a huge lift and means we can enjoy more stress free time together.

As for the rest of the day, not going there. This was too much, too wonderful, and nothing can detract from the bum sized grin that I had on my face when I saw it.

For once a hedge fund that actually worked ....

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