It fooled me

... the ice that is! I've been looking them up on the internet and the best ones will set you back 36 US$ a piece. I'm not sure where Hans bought them from - he said a `props' supplier. Anyway they fooled me - especially as they were sitting in a puddle of water. Actually it was the shape of the puddle that I liked best. It was the last session of our `Photo Enthusiasts' group at Winterhill CLC today. There might be another set of sessions in September, other than that we might meet informally.

My morning was dedicated to painting and cleaning up the gunge behind our existing bathroom sink so Dave cab re-seal it for me. I thought it would just need a quick application of sealant but it turned into a much bigger job than I expected. I hope he has ideas about what to do about it now I've cleaned it back to bare wood.

It should be the last day of the project tomorrow (if plumber Martin turns up) - I think we'll miss them, but not I hasten to add all their tools and equipment filling up the rooms. The house is looking very good, if somewhat, dusty and messy. Hopefully we can start to clean now without expecting everything to be coated with dust again tomorrow. Bedtime soon - I woke very early this morning!

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