Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull

Olive and Rosemary Bread

I have decided that I am inspired by a good friend who ran the half marathon in Edinburgh on Sunday and I want to start taking my running more seriously and do some sort of 10K type thing. Went for a run after work today and, despite it not being anywhere near my best time, didn't hate it so much. This may of course be a phase and it's entirely possible I'll get bored by the end of the week.

Spoke to the boyfriend's mother too tonight, about the prospect of doing the 94 mile Pedal for Scotland to up our game from last year. I reckon we could do it, if we took the training seriously. Need to start using my muscles whilst they're still relatively supple!

Also baked some olive and rosemary bread (pictured) and made a delicious mushroom risotto. Just in an evening's work eh...

P.s. I think this photo looks like an angry sperm whale, with an olive for an eye. But that's just me...

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