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After years of not seeing a doctor I'm now "in the system" again. Today I had a blood test to monitor the effect of the gout drug and I was also fitted with a blood-pressure monitor for seven hours. This is comprised of the traditional cuff around the upper arm which is connected to a metal unit the size of a Walkman cassette player (as your mum!). Every 30 minutes the box starts growling and the cuff inflates. The first time it happened it scared me senseless; I'd forgotten all about it. The cuff inflates a great deal harder than when it is done by an attractive medical practitioner so the whole thing wasn't the best way to spend a day.

Off it came at 16:00 and I went out to drop it back at the surgery. Because today is all about being healthy I called in at the chippy for cod, chips & mushy peas.

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