Another day and the scene outside is very different, Not a frost but tipping rain. The Starling are still sporting their winter coats. Their adult feathers are spotted after they moult but as time goes by they get tatty and the tips wear away as they preen them. By the time they are ready to nest the Starlings spots will all but disappear, leaving them with a luscious green blue plumage. Fascinating.. unlike leopards they do change their spots.
They're not everyone's favourite bird and often considered greedy. The truth is that their numbers are dangerously down by 70%, earning them a place on the red list for endangered birds in the UK.
I was pleased to see the front door when I got home this morning. It's the first time I've seen dawn before I leave work. Now the clocks are going to change again...not saying a word!
So glad to see Blipfoto safe... so sad to hear that the plane went down in such awful circumstances... why?
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