Skies like this.....

remind me it is good to be alive.

Everyone who lost their lives in the plane crash on Tuesday have been in my mind the last couple of days and reading the news tonight and how they lost their lives just seems so futile.  

Having been on ten planes during the last few weeks crashing does cross my mind especially when the safety video is being shown at the start of each flight.  I'm sorry but I do tend to think that if the plane is going to go down then it is the end.  Sometimes I have a little panic about it but most of the time I tend to be quite fatalistic about it all and convince myself that I am more likely to die on the road than in a plane.

When my family is flying all round the world I do my best not to worry but that doesn't mean that my heart doesn't flutter when I hear about a crash and I know that one of mine are on their travels.  

I know I have been lucky with my life, having four successful pregnancies, four healthy children, very few 'incidents' as they were growing up into the fantastic adults that they are now.  They remind me that it is good to be alive and my life has been worthwhile.

On the way home tonight I decided that I spend too much time behind the camera and I am going to make sure I take some photos of me with my family, I need to start being proud of myself as well as being proud of them.

Not sure where these thoughts have come from it wasn't what I intended to write my fingers just took over.

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