twinned with trumpton


Up too early (BST - I NEED you..), but had the house in order by the time I logged on at 7. Only to find I couldn't log on.

Quick appraisal of the situation - much more likely to work more productively in the office given the work I have so quickly packed everything and cycled in through cold chilling rain. No rush, so I stopped at G school and then chummed her up the road; 10 minutes of chat as we did so.

A productive morning right enough; system appeared like phoenix from the flames around 10, so I left 1330 to go home in my lunch for the final 2 hours. Cigs en route - shock horror, the vandals are scrubbing graffiti out walls at Abbeyhill....
2 hours of work interspersed with communicating with the crappiest energy provider on the planet and then out to round up ma lads.
Lidl, too.

The unimaginative but well received bangers and mash before stories teeth bath etc (not necessarily in that order)

Welcome to the weekend. (It is for me!)

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