Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Disco girls!

The mini pinks have had their school discos this evening. The PTA run event (thankyou PTA) caused much excitement in the pink house. Miss Pink's friend Miss A came to get ready before the KS1 party, and fast forward a few years and I don't think it would be much different. Ok so maybe there would be less excitement about a pair of "actual real ballet tights" and possibly more about the latest boy band or lipgloss. However, the girls were very cute, miss Pink helping Miss A with her shoes, and both girls giving me a twirl of their party dresses.
Master Pink went for his disco in the second party of the disco relay. He was less excited about what he wore, but more about the prospect of spending his money on "light up" goodies. I've come home from my lent course to find light up spectacles, and light up guitar on my dining table. Guess who is wearing the specs now!

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