
Ann, my oldest friend, attempting to take a photo and throw a ball at the same time! She too has a beardie, a bitch called Bella, who is like Ollie in so many ways, except Bella has two brown eyes and Ollie has a blue and white one and a brown one!

Ann came down from Siverdale to see me for the day, while I am staying with my parents. We have known each other since the day I started work in the civil service when I was 17 and she was all grown up and 30! We've stayed close all these years, through ups and downs, sharing tragedies and joys, writing letters and occasionally visiting each other when we can. She is the best sort of friend, wise and kind, compassionate and fun, completely on the same wavelength, a source of inspiration and many other things to0.

We had a lovely walk round the lake, along the beach and caught up on all each other's news as we revisited places that we had both grown up in many years ago! A super day, hot and sunny but enough breeze along the shore. Just wish we lived a bit closer to each other!

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