L'Elephant. Nantes

Today we walked round Nantes taking in some of the most famous parts.  La cigale -a wonderful restaurant with walls covered in beautiful mosaics!  The castle and the cathedral. We ate in La Boucherie and had a Café Gourmand.  A cup of coffee witha number of small desserts!  And finally we went over to the island in the middle of the Loire which used to be the home of the naval dockyards to see 'les machines de Ile'.  This is the eye of the elephant!  You can see the layers of wood that make up the structure of the head.  The ears are made of leather.  The beast is enormous!  We saw it walking.  This is where the little girl, the grandmother and dog that walked round Liverpool were made.
Now we are resting in front of a real fire!  It's been cold and wet outside!

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