Leaving a poorly CarbBoy at home (it's been one of those weeks - more to come in backblips when I have the energy), off to school today for a full day as 'pretend teacher of gardening'. Man alive, how do teachers keep it up all day, day after day (stop sniggering at the back)? I am exhausted. If it wasn't for the slow cooked lamb shoulder for tomorrow's dinner needing turned off at 10pm, I would have been in bed at 8.30.
Today's question for blipworld: some software requires me to upgrade from OS 10.6.8 (can't remember what creature that is - why can't they just use either numbers or cats/national parks and stick with it?) to something better before I can download it. So, the only upgrade I can easily (ie without paying) get is Yosemite. Am I mad to even consider it?
Please indicate in your response your current level of irritation with all things Apple out of 10 (where 0 is 'they're brilliant, and anyone who says otherwise didn't understand the question' and 10 would be so filled with expletives that my so-called Magic keyboard won't countenance typing it.)
(I'm a 3.)
(When my so-called Magic mouse batteries run out in about 10 minutes I'll be a 6.)
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