The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Into the light

I'm now officially on holidays! Yay! I still have a couple of small assignments over the next two weeks, and some paperwork to catch up on, but no alarm clock (or alarm-cat) on earth will rouse me tomorrow morning.

The day began early with a splitting headache. I did eventually crawl downstairs for tablets, and back upstairs with unwanted tears squeezing onto my cheeks, but fortunately the pills worked and I was able to get in to work for 9, with a little help from my friend CleanSteve. The sun shone on our Easter Egg hunt, and the little helpers found them before the squirrels did!

I left promptly at 1.30 and went and sat on a bench in the sun eating sushi from Wilkinson's (who even knew that they sold it?) before heading off for a spot of life modelling outside the town centre, in a chic apartment furnished with banana-box minimalism, which I hope to blip some day (can anyone tell me where Bishop Auckland is? it was stencilled onto the banana boxes. Please don't tell me it's near Swindon....)

I walked home in the now-brilliant sunshine, along the A46 and the Cotswold Canal towpath. (Note to self: I really must de-mothball the bike, now that the path has been widened and made good all the way from Stroud centre to 'my' junction at Bowbridge.) After CleanSteve came home from frisbee-flinging at 6.30 pm, I went for a lie-down, and didn't get up again.

Another day of my rock 'n' roll lifestyle closes.
Truly I was a legend
in another lifetime.

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