Birthday balloons

I know Blip does not recognise 600 blips but with these images of balloons I just had to use them.

They first filled the proto balloon which then held up the main balloon till it was a big enough.  There were two really long articulated trucks each with maybe 9 or 12 monstrous cylinders of helium. That took nearly two hours.
The next few minutes were letting go the guy ropes ( the ballon swung mightily) then it lifted to vertical on its tether on a large crane - left and out of my images, - then a load was added and it was away.  Half a minute later it was higher than the mountains.
We plus several hundred others watched.  Even had the local paper reporting my comment on how all the camera club people were out with tripods.

There is only the proto balloon and a the main balloon I have done a time sequence.

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