It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Out Of Action Again.....

Poor Diesel, we had to take him to Nottingham today to the Super Vets.
He was due for an MRI scan and X-Rays and an Arthroscopy which is one of these 

Dont watch the vid if your of a squeamish disposition (like me)

Its removing bits of cartilage from around the knee but it does mean NO walkies for about two or three weeks then starting from scratch again with about two or three 3 5 min walks a day. ;-(

The  next bit of news was even more distressing as he has a prolapsed spinal disc ( I think thats what it is) lots of things I don't know about and stuff to take in. Its pressure on a sciatic nerve. The two vets are going to be discussing what future treatment Diesel needs for this and bless him he has to deal with this so far.

A long day with no sleep for over 24 hours for us.
Because it was at Nottingham the vet had to squeeze in a lot of things in one day while we waited which means he had a LOT of anesthetic in him and as I write he sleeps ...after me being nurse maid and administering what seems like a huge amount of pills for him. 
and Metacam.

Draco Dragon xx

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