
By LeGreveKarjala


When all else fails, I fall back on my art output, for
a needed blip.  This watercolor hangs in my bathroom,
and it is a story of "wet on wet," watercolor vocabulary
for wetting the paper first, then walking away and
not coming back until the paper has totally dried.
Certain color pigments in watercolor dry and
"blossom"  forming their own color patterns with
tonal difference.  It is one of my favorite methods
of working in the medium.

Sorry, I have been less attentive to bliphoto these
past two weeks.  My husband has been hospitalized
for 6 days with very serious health issues.  Then he
was transferred to the rehab. unit of a nursing home.
We are hoping for a positive outcome so that he can
come home, but only time will tell.

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