
We woke this morning to the sound of very heavy rain. After the sunshine of yesterday I had been looking forward to a pleasant walk with the dogs. It was not to be, and shortly after the nearly wife headed off for her shift at work I was paddling up the hill through a torrent of water. The dogs didn't seem to be enjoying themselves, their eyes screwed half shut against the rain and hail.
We came home and dried off a bit before I went to town to collect some stuff then off to Stromness to do perhaps the smallest job I have ever been called to attend.
Back home and I pottered in the house before venturing out to Binscarth and Wasdale with the dogs. The rain had eased off to annoying grey drizzle and the hoped for landscape shots were obscured by heavy low cloud. Squelching through the woods on the way home I stopped to snap the salmonberry flowers which are appearing and brightening a grey day with their vivid splashes of colour.
Off out for dinner with my folks tonight to discuss the final few points of the wedding service with Dad. It really isn't that long to wait now.

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