
By backwoodsman

If Tracy Emin can do it.......

.....why can't I??    Though I freely admit hers is way  more interesting than mine!  :-D
This is my bed at 8-21am this morning when the alarm clanged into life demanding my attention! (why  8-21? tell me!!)
Which is actually SEVEN  twenty-one in real money !!
Who on Earth  gets up at this ungodly hour on a Sunday morning anyway??
Somebody; somewhere , has stolen a precious hour of my beauty sleep!!

So I stagger up, glaring at the 80's wallpaper ; stomp about ,grumble at the coffee pot, crank the central heating up ,swear at the cat if I had one and scowl at the leaden skies beyond my window pane!!

But then at 9-21,having had a lovely hot shower ;the coffee aroma fills the kitchen ;the toast is buttered and spread with delightful ,forbidden ,lime marmalade ;  Enya's Amarantine is on the I pod ; the cat.....if I had one....would be purring around my legs ;and the Sun is attempting to muscle aside the clouds :-)
What is an hour or two ,here or there anyway??  :-)

But the 80's wallpaper HAS TO GO !!!

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