As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

So Good

This morning, I marched in the Memorial Day Parade. I didn't take any pictures because I didn't bring my camera and I wasn't in the best position to take good pictures, what with walking in the parade and all... It was uncomfortably hot but not unbearable. After the parade, I didn't leave my house for the rest of the day. I seem to spend the nicest days inside but I never end up regretting it. I did all of my homework and played a lot of Xbox.

I really want to start using my camera more. Having the iPhone has made blipping without my camera too easy. I think I'm going to bring my camera with me for these last few days of school and maybe I'll get lucky and snap a few keepers. As much as I don't want to go to school tomorrow, I realize that it's the last few days I'll be able to spend with the seniors, and although this year has been a bit rocky to say the least, I know that I'm going to miss them next year. Only eleven more days, and I'm going to try and make them the best that they can be.

This is one of the books I bought on Saturday. I'm reading The Fault In Our Stars first but I'm really excited to get to this one.

Word of the Day: Asperse - To sprinkle; bespatter

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