
By Instography


The plans made flesh. Well, OK, not quite flesh. Plastic bottles and cardboard tubes. A mop head head etc. But it looks pretty evil for a help-about-the-house robot, although in Ellen's wee head it's a teenager of a robot so has braces and lipstick.

So there was that. I had to lend a hand. And a wee trip to Halfords to get a new bike carrier and Ewan won some gold medals at the swimming gala but was very humble about it. As he should be since he was the only person in the race. A bit less impressive when you hear that although I'm told he was fast anyway. 

And a nice bacon and chorizo tortilla for Ewan's international food evening at the scouts tomorrow. I'm sure the kids'll hate it. 

And damn it but somewhere along the line my photos have gone out of sync with the posts. What a pain in the arse.

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