Clingy little thing

Did not feel like a trip to the in-laws today but it actually turned out OK. Despite all the digs about how little they have seen me lately (always take those as personal attack) - everyone seemed to want the day to go well and it did.

Squidge loved playing with the cats (see pic) and the change of scene was good for us all. She was incredibly clingy with me again though and wouldn't let me leave the room which has been familiar lately. It can be quite draining as she gets very frantic that I am about to leave all the time.

I researched it tonight and apparently over-clinginess is to do with toddlers feeling insecure when their primary caregiver has abandoned them. That must mean when I leave her at nursery? Which I have more recently. I should have guessed as every morning when I go into her room she asks if it's nursery or "Mummy day". And if it's Mummy day she has a spring in her step and the happiness is so obvious. What untold damage have I done to that poor little thing with my new work obsession? Just another thing for me to add to my worry list!

Getting ready for The Big Pitch tonight so putting worries aside or I will go insane and end up cancelling it or something!! Clothes laid out, hair washed and in rollers (it's for a hair company so my hair has to at least look decent!) and presentations printed and stapled.


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