
Clocks moving has utterly confused me.
Wom was unsettled lots in the night but we do now appear to have two bottom teeth!
I had from 7-8 lie in (6-7 old time) then daddy had 8:30-9:30 lie in. Wom went back to bed around 8:30 and slept till 11 which was well needed, also gave me / us some quality cuddle time with Munchie.

Got dressed in our Sunday finest and headed out to Lee's mums surprise birthday meal, both children slept on the way, although Wom did grump after about 50 minutes as he wanted milk! Clocks! Breadsticks plicated him.

Food was nice
Children were well behaved
Home by 5:30.

We did bed at 7 which felt really late, kept having to remind ourselves it was only 6.

Children both at nursery tomorrow, long list of jobs written, eBay pictures taken in readiness for mass listing.

Picture was taken when they were both pretty pristine, need to teach Munchie the art of sitting in a lady like manor!

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