
By helen221


Bought these some time back in the Tate St Ives gift shop. Finally putting them to use, although the words aren't quite the categories I need at the mo. At least they keep papers together - this is key as I discovered I had done more work late last year than I thought. Whether the work is any good or not and can connect up to make the skeleton of the second part of the dissertation remains to be seen. I'm a bit perturbed that I can't remember having done the thinking or writing.

During my trip to east London this afternoon,  I also re-discovered an "anti-procrastination let's work together every so often in a library or cafe" possibility with my former housemate A. Glad I suggested it and the suggestion went down well. Let's see what happens. 

Very cool view from A & B's flat - I'll snap it another time when the sky is better - can see the Olympic stadium (or whatever it is called now) and the red Mittal tower thingy.

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