Fun to be extinct?

At midnight in the museum hall
The fossils gathered for a ball

There were no drums or saxophones,

But just the clatter of their bones,

A rolling, rattling, carefree circus

Of mammoth polkas and mazurkas.

Pterodactyls and brontosauruses

Sang ghostly prehistoric choruses.

Amid the mastodontic wassail
caught the eye of one small fossil.
Cheer up, sad world," he said, and winked—
"It's kind of fun to be extinct."
Ogden Nash

A wild, wet and stormy day, though I have just ventured out as I needed to get off the computer. A quick yomp around the circuit and hitting the coast I was nearly airborne, the orange mac inflated and I was like a mini hanglider! Thank goodness for MonoMonday, currently hosted by chantler63 - today's theme Pattern. Naturally it had to be spirals and I just happened to have the very thing on the mantlepiece. It is of course an ammonite but did you know they are around 415million years old!!!!

Derelict Thursday
Some opinions now please. As you know SarumStroller is back and in cracking form. Derelict Thursday is his brainchild and he is a bit reluctant to commit to it over the spring/summer. These are his thoughts:

Those of you around when I launched the Challenge last October will recall that I had planned for it to run for six months and for it to run during the autumn and winter months. With British Summer Time now with us (though you wouldn't actually think so!) I was going to call time on the Challenge and bring it to a close, have a rest for the summer and, depending on Blip's future and a few other things, then relaunch it again in October.
As I'm sure you know, Freespiral and Himself (as well as Lynnfot) had kindly taken over hosting duties, especially during when I was forced offline. Freespiral, however, says she is willing to continue, though I have to admit that I would probably not be able to myself. She reports that the Challenge is as strongly supported as ever and that newer participants especially would want to continue. 
Any thoughts?? Any helpers willing to host on occasion? It would require a similar level of commitment that has come to be expected - I would rather not have it run at all than have a half-hearted effort.
I've asked Freespiral to write something similar on her Blip entry for today, so see what she says and let either, or both of us know what you think and feel.   

I fully understand SS's reluctance to continue as it is time-consuming and quite a commitment, but feel that it would be a shame to stop altogether whilst it seems to be flourishing. Some possible suggestions:
* We take a break until the Autumn
* We let it continue hostless, people still searching out a spot of dereliction on a thursday and tagging it
* I continue hosting until Sarum takes over with help from occasional guest hosts - Lynnfot has mentioned she wouldn't mind doing it now and again. Would anyone else be interested?
Any thoughts? Do let me or SarumStroller know.
It will be business as usual this Thursday and I'll be doing the honours. 

Fossil plus Roger Moore!

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