Sort of Sparkling!

Let me tell you a tale.....I'd made a creme caramel for supper last evening. When I came to turn it out it didn't all come at once, first time that's ever happened, and it sort of flopped down into the dish. The consequence of that was that it spilt all over me, the floor, the cupboards, the work surfaces and my books. Very sticky indeed. R cleared some of it up whilst I sent and changed (in the middle of supper) but the floor was gripping out shoes this morning.

So I've scrubbed the floor, washed the kick boards and everything else I can needed doing as I don't do it very often really and now I'm immensely proud of it....and tired! Thanks for all your comments re the Yorkshires and I can assure you they're not Aunt Bessie's....whoever she is.

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