Waterfront ('de Haven'), Breda

I didn't go to Breda just to blip, although with the weather the way it was today, blipping would have been a good enough reason.  Actually, I was in the mood to shop.  After walking around a bit, though, I decided I wasn't that all in the mood to spend.

Maybe the lecture yesterday in The Hague was still in my head.  According to studies, one is either a spender or an investor, unless one has multiple sources of income and can afford to be both.  It depends largely on how one sees oneself.  The lecturer said that if you see yourself as poor (I am reminded again of that discussion hubby and I had last year) you'll jump up and spend the first cent that enters your bank account after a month's worth of work, if only to prove to yourself that you can afford it.  On the other hand, if you consider yourself wealthy, you'll feel comfortable enough with yourself the way you are with the things you have at the moment and won't mind putting away a little bit in the sock in the wall (or in a bank vault) as a safety net for the future.  Of course, some folks ARE poor and have to spend every cent that comes into the bank, and yet even they (some in the audience yesterday) are being gently encouraged to re-evaluate how they see themselves and give some thought to better money management.  A more positive self-image combined with more self-confidence regarding financial matters will make it more difficult for the 'folks back home' to step on them and manipulate them with their demands.  I don't really have any 'folks back home' so that pressure is off.  Nevertheless ... I must confess I'm more of a spender and hubby is more of an investor.

I ended up not buying anything.

We both had our physio today.  My arms are stable.  According to her, they're a lot better now than they were 5 months ago.  I think I should do more disco-dancing.  Tonight -- some housework, some hobbies, nothing overdone.  Hubby has his Monday bridge.

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