Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Pie Safe

For this week's MonoMonday pattern challenge - hosted by Chantler63 - this is the side of our *pie safe* which is a rather old fashioned piece of country furniture that presumably held... pies? Typically they have these pierced tin patterned panels. This particular piece of furniture holds a special place in our hearts here chez nous because the husband and I - when we were a good deal younger and clearly completely idiotic - having found it in a falling down abandoned farmhouse a good two or three miles away thru fields and across streams behind our own house - actually walked to said house and carried it back to our house. CARRIED it for THREE MILES. Trust me, it was heavy. It was also falling apart, so the husband rebuilt it. For a while it was just a cupboard, and then it became a media center and held our TV etc. And now it's in the sort of dining room where it holds miscellaneous mostly non-dining stuff. Anyway - it was a struggle obtaining it, so I love it. Another thing I just remembered about that trek with the damned thing was that we came across the skeleton of a cow on our way. I think we probably went back later and took the skull, but I'm not completely positive about that. Seems like something we would have done, though. Certainly should have done, if we didn't. Anyway - look at the pattern!

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