Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

RBS Head Office, St Andrews Square

Cold day, the early morning was pretty miserable, but as the day went on, it got progressively better. I evenmanaged to get some bike maintenance done before lunch. After lunch, I went to see my eldest son to spend my birthday present in the shop where he works. I need a new waterproof coat, but not one that looks too much like an anorak.

Afterwards, headed for a coffee, on the way I took this photo of Dundas House, the head office of RBS. The gilding looking pretty smart in the sunshine. The building was built as a mansion for Lord Dundas. It was originally to be a church, but Lord Dundas saw the layout and decided to keep it for himself. After he died, the building was sold to the government, to become Customs House, This was because the building was now in the midst of a building site as the New Town was being constructed. RBS bought the building in 1825.

It is also a bank branch. I've been in it. The building has an impressive domed ceiling. Mind you, you'd need to be a brave person to take a camera in to the back to photograph it.

The sculpture in front of the building is of Sir John Hope , 4th Earl of Hopetoun, in roman dress leaning on a pawning. The Hopetoun Monument in East Lothian near Haddington was also built as a memorial to him.

After coffee, it was down to Tollcross to have quick browse in the charity shops there before heading home. Just in time too, as the clouds rolled and it started to pour down.

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