
By BoroLady69

Grackles Galore - "As Common as Muck!"

Title:  Grackles Galore - "As Common as Muck!"
Some of the Common Grackles that kept descending on and below our backyard feeder.  Known as "Common Grackles" - maybe because they come in such large numbers, and,  like fast moving clouds they sweep down, stay a short while, then as if by some unknown signal, swoop upwards and away.   Perhaps they should be called "Royal Grackles" as their 'Galore ious' iridescent plumage looks so beautifully Royal when the sunshine alights on them. 
Did you notice that a little Chippie crept onto the scene - it didn't seem perturbed at all by all the sweeping and swishing clouds of birds much bigger than it!

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