Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Mixed Monday

Woke with the alarm this morning for a regular working week - how lovely to turn over and snooze as I had booked an extra days leave :)

When I was a child, Mondays was wash day, always remember my nan putting her washing machine into the middle of the kitchen and spending the day doing the weekly wash. As it has been quite windy and taking advantage of the dry weather, I put my bedding out on the line and decided this would be a good "mono Monday" shot.

Then I noticed one of the plants budding in the garden and took a shot of this, thinking this would make a good blip for today. Spent the rest of the day being a domestic goddess!

Monday is usually lace night but we finished class last week. Each week we are in class, we are listening to a band rehearsing their tunes. It's usually a challenge to work out what they are playing, but quite enjoyable. Tonight was their end of term concert and a group if us decided to go along. (Shot number 3). It was surprisingly good, they looked good, organised and sounded ok. They are called "Da Capo Winds", a concert band for anyone learning or returning to playing brass, woodwind or percussion instruments. Their aim is to "pursue musical excellence", membership open to all regardless of age. A very good evening with friends - and to add to the evening, they had a raffle, I purchased 1 strip of tickets and won 3 prizes!! (A jigsaw puzzle, an Easter egg and a bottle of wine)

(Not looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow, but will go as it keeps me focused.)

Anyone else take too many shots and struggle with choosing which one?


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