Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

The spare bed

I was hoping for a nice blip on the way home this evening - the first day back at work since the clocks changed.  But the weather conspired against me - a really grey evening, spots of rain.  And it has rained on and off all evening.

I spent much time this evening browsing Blip, and now it's gone 11pm, and still no picture.  I did wonder about a Tracy Emin bed - but W is too efficient and house proud to have left our bed unmade all day.

So I settled for a picture of the spare bed, littered with some of the stuff we plan to pack for our holiday.  Neither of us has been for a 3 week holiday before (I know, deprived folks), we are not sure quite how much to take, nor how much space it will take in the suitcase.

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