Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Ah! The joy of writing!

In addition to having a passion for photography and wine, I also love fountain pens.  I am a journal writer (no surprise there), and fountain pens are my all time favorite writing instrument.  I own several, and love each one for it's own personality.  And I love all the wonderful bottled inks with such vibrant colors.  Right now, Bleu Pervenche is my current favorite, but I am eyeing a new bottle of Azalea soon.  

Today, I visited my accountant and gave him all of my tax information for my business.  He loves getting my information because it is well organized in spreadsheets, everything is tabulated and organized in proper files.  But he always laughs at me because all of my handwritten notes are in brightly colored inks of turquoise, pink, green or purple.  He always tells me that I shouldn't do that for him because he is colorblind.  I must say that it is a huge load off of my mind when I can just hand over all of my accounting for the year to him.  He has been my accountant for well over 25 years, and has saved me a great deal of money! 

So, if I could, I would sign off with a brilliant blue flourish from my fountain pen.  As it is, you will only get the black letters from my typing. 

Also, I am still processing the next set of pictures from my Shanghai trip.  If you are interested, I did upload a number of shots on Blipfoto and yesterday's blip has the links to them.  Have a look! 

And thank you for the great comments and stars on yesterday's roses. 

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