Susan's lilies

Largely confined to barracks again today, although I did manage to escape at the beginning and end of the day. I enjoyed an early swim, being in the pool by 8.30am, which I realise is not that early but it is early enough to be caught up in the traffic. In the evening met my son at a pub up near where he works for a bit to eat and a chat.

In between times I was continuing to put the hours in on the prison contract I'm working on. I should call it work but it is very enjoyable and doesn't have the same feel as it did when I was working full time. A conference call and then some tedious work to remove or block any active hyperlinks in documents and more calls and texts, answering emails and queries, a coffee or two and lunch. Seems like my contract is being extended to take me up to the end of August. Which is nice....

These lilies are spectacular, at their best just now. I'd not seen this colour before but they certainly brighten up the room. One my way back from the pool I called in at Aldi, the local discount supermarket for some supplies and found that they were selling small plug seedlings for £1.99 which is less than the price of a packet of seeds. I bought 2 different packs of 15 lettuces and one pack of 6 chillies. As I said, the seeds can cost more than that and then you're left with unused seeds which are not always so good the following year.

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